Mind Games: Coming to Grips With Selling Your Business
At some point, nearly every business owner will want or need to think about selling their business. As you prepare for that day – Is it already here?...
5 min read
In a business sale, the greatest value of attorneys and CPAs may be their ability to respect what their clients are going through.
If the call comes to you, before you reply to your client’s ravings, remember this virtually irrefutable law of business deals: No deal gets done unless the buyer thinks he’s paying too much and the seller thinks he’s giving it away.
Attorneys and CPAs, like business brokers, need to be emotional buffers. From offer through closing, the broker provides the greatest value to everyone involved as he or she manages the emotional ups and downs of the process. Attorneys and CPAs can make a huge contribution to that effort, if they will remember the strain that their clients are experiencing and understand that, regardless of the personalities of the parties and the nuances of the deal, emotional volatility goes with the territory. As I concluded long ago, when the parties are telling each other to go to hell at the same time, they’re finally starting to think alike.
At some point, nearly every business owner will want or need to think about selling their business. As you prepare for that day – Is it already here?...
How selling his company on his own stole some of this business owner’s joy – and financial gain – from what should have been his crowning achievement.