Business Valuation & Appraisal
Many situations require a Business Appraisal, whether to benchmark value, for litigation support, or in pursuit of new financing options. Regardless of motivations for a Business Valuation, it is essential that the valuation be performed by someone who grasps the realities of business sale transactions and understands how to dissect the financial statements to convert historical numbers into expectations of future performance.
Blending extensive transaction knowledge and expertise with professional training, IBG is grounded in Business Value theory and reality. Our professionals have appraised diverse businesses and are frequently requested to serve as expert witnesses on Business Valuation.
Contact IBG Business
Value. Vision. Growth.
Sometimes it may be critical to have a standard business appraisal prepared by a certified business appraiser. In these cases, the firm turns to a network of business appraiser affiliates who are leading professionals, nationally certified, and broadly respected.
Value benchmarking can be an appropriate component of strategic development. Seeking a pricing strategy opinion is normally a best first step in preparing to sell a business. Unlike “arming for battle” with a formal appraisal, seeking competent business valuation advice should be seen as preparing to enter the market highly informed on value and expectations with the goal to avoid leaving money on the table when the deal is done.
A Proven Business Sale Process
The IBG Process has been refined through more than 1,100 successful business sales by IBG’s professionals. This proven approach to selling a business is inspired by a simple, yet powerful, proposition:
"If we confidentially target multiple qualified strategic buyers, and professionally present your firm in an appropriately managed auction process to deliver multiple competitive offers, you will benefit from the highest value under the best terms the market will pay."
Our proprietary database and resources, coupled with our knowledge and experience, will identify targeted buyers from around the world and develop a tactical methodology to sell your company while preserving confidentiality.
There is no substitute for IBG’s market knowledge combined with our process of intensive research, analysis, innovation, and execution.
State-of-the-Art Resources for Marketing Your Business
Our research department utilizes the most advanced online services and marketing resources, providing data on over 38 million businesses and monitoring over 2,000 newspapers and trade publications. Sophisticated search programs create customized, targeted lists to identify the best potential acquirers.
Combining IBG’s marketing resources and thorough, targeted approach turn raw data into relevant, in-depth information – the perfect recipe to produce success for our clients.
Hear From Our Clients
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