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Selling Your Business

IBG uses our extensive market knowledge and experienced mergers and acquisitions advisors to sell your business for maximum value.

Attracting the Best Buyer for Your Business

Selling a business for top value requires attracting the best buyer under conditions that motivate competitive offers. The best buyer is willing to place the highest value on your company.

When the transaction is complete, you will have achieved maximum value for your company and accomplished your selling objectives - all without leaving money on the table.

Contact IBG Business

Complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.
A Proven Business Sale Process

The IBG Process has been refined through more than 1,100 successful business sales by IBG’s professionals. This proven approach to selling a business is inspired by a simple, yet powerful, proposition:

"If we confidentially target multiple qualified strategic buyers, and professionally present your firm in an appropriately managed auction process to deliver multiple competitive offers, you will benefit from the highest value under the best terms the market will pay."

Our proprietary database and resources, coupled with our knowledge and experience, will identify targeted buyers from around the world and develop a tactical methodology to sell your company while preserving confidentiality.

There is no substitute for IBG’s market knowledge combined with our process of intensive research, analysis, innovation, and execution.

State-of-the-Art Resources for Marketing Your Business
Successfully marketing a business for sale requires substantial depth of resources as well as a specialized strategy. At IBG, our innovative approach combines a proprietary database of over 20,000 active buyers, industry-leading information, effective marketing strategies, and state-of-the-art technology.

Our research department utilizes the most advanced online services and marketing resources, providing data on over 38 million businesses and monitoring over 2,000 newspapers and trade publications. Sophisticated search programs create customized, targeted lists to identify the best potential acquirers.

Combining IBG’s marketing resources and thorough, targeted approach turn raw data into relevant, in-depth information – the perfect recipe to produce success for our clients.

Hear From Our Clients

Request a Confidential Conference

Maintaining confidentiality is crucial to protecting your objectives. Without it, key employees may leave, competitors may gain strategic advantages, creditors may question loans, and suppliers may tighten terms of business. Any breach in confidentiality threatens the health of your business and your ability to maximize sale value.

IBG’s professional M&A process is designed to preserve your confidentiality throughout the sale process. We provide introductory information for acquirers through a Confidential Seller Profile, which is precisely crafted to offer a synopsis of your company while keeping its identity concealed.

Pre-qualified and motivated prospects are required to sign a contractual “Agreement, Acknowledgements & Disclosures” committing projects to non-disclosure and confidentiality before receiving additional information.

Each step in the IBG process, refined over years of successful sales, reflects our awareness of the vital relationship between maintaining confidentially and successfully completing a sale.

Request a confidential conference with an IBG Partner. Select your region to find an advisor.

Jim Afinowich

Managing Partner, Founder & Principal - Arizona

Matt Frye

Managing Partner & Principal - Oklahoma

John C. Johnson

Managing Partner, Founder & Principal, Oklahoma

John Zayac

Managing Partner, Founder & Principal - Colorado

Gary Papay

Managing Partner, Founder & Principal - Pennsylvania & North Carolina

Robert Latham

Managing Partner & Principal - Texas

The IBG Process:
Nine Steps to Selling Your Business for Maximum Value

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