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Privacy Policy

We may share the information you provide to us with any of the owners of the businesses described in the Confidential Business Reports that you request. This information is provided to our Seller clients upon their request, which is usually made prior to meeting with you in person or considering a proposal from you. Our Seller clients generally expect that your full financial disclosures will be included as an exhibit to the final purchase agreement for their business and that you will represent and warrant the accuracy of your financial data at that time.

As new Seller clients engage us over time, some opportunities may be a fit for you based on the acquisition criteria and financial resources indicated in the information that you provide to us; as such, we may send the corresponding Confidential Seller Profile(s) to you for review.

IBG Business Services will not share your profile information with anyone other than our Seller clients and their advisers without your permission.

Use of Google reCAPTCHA

To protect our forms from spam and abuse, we use Google reCAPTCHA, a service that helps determine whether submissions on our website are made by a human. This service may collect information such as your IP address, browser type, user behavior on the page, and cookies. This data is processed by Google to provide a secure experience on our site.

For more information on how Google collects and uses data, please review the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.